Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Little Bum

I've been a little MIA...sorry about that!

If you swing over to my other blog HERE...You'll see why...hehe

I received a cute email from my cousin Carter

First of he cute or what?!?!?!?

Here's Carter's Email:

hi cousin erika, 
thanks so much for my bum covers, they're really coming in handy.......and they're quite a hit with the ladies! you should se all my girlfriends getting jealous when i get a diaper change, my bum covers make me feel pretty special.  my bottom is pretty small, so i haven't started wearing them until just recently.  I like to be naked a lot but apparently my boy parts need to be covered up, diapers are terribly boring.....these things really make me feel pretty flashy.  also, my dad likes batman, so if you ever run into matching dad/baby batman bum covers, let me know.  i love you.

Seriously...his email...I seriously cherish it! Love how all the cousins sent pictures, emails and video of their surprises! 

Love you Carter!!
